Weinliteraturangaben und Weinkritiker

Bibliography and Abbreviations

AM Allen Meadows Author of the website Burghound
BET Michel Bettane & Thierry Desseauve French Wine Journalists, formaly for “Guide Hachette”
B(XX) Michael Broadbent M.W. (Master of Wine), world’s most renown Degustator of Old Wines (†)
CC Clive Coates M.W. (Master of Wine), British Wine Journalist and Publisher of the magazine VINE (†)
CT Cellar Tracker International Online Wine Database
DEC Decanter Prominent English Wine Journal
FAL Falstaff Well established Austrian Wine Magazine
GAB René Gabriel Author of the Swiss Wine Journal WeinWisser
GAL Antonio Galloni American Author of vinousmedia.com
GM Gault & Millau Wine and Food Periodical – scoring is Coup de Cœur, *-***
HS Horst Scharfenberg German Wine Book Author (†)
JCL Jeannie Cho Lee M.W. (Master of Wine), Wine and Lifestyle Author, Hong Kong
JG Jamie Goode Wine Blogger, Professor of Plant Biology
JH James Holiday Australian Wine Jouranlist
JL Jeff Leve Wine Cellar Insider, Los Angeles
JMQ Jean-Marc Quarin Famous French Wine Jouranlist (ex: Le Monde)
JO Jeremy Oliver Australian Wine Jouranlist
JP John Platter The South African Wine Author
JR Jancis Robinson M.W. (Master of Wine), British Wine Journalist and Critic
JS James Suckling American Wine Journalist and Flying Consultant
JUH Richard Juhlin Swedish Author of the definative books on Champagne 2,000 and 4,000 Champagnes
JÜR Jürg Richter Swiss Sauternes Specialist with own webite sauternes.ch
LOB Heiner Lobenberg Well-known German Wine Trader
LRF La Revue du Vin de France Prominent French Wine Journal
MH Marcus „Sam“ Hofschuster Head Degustator for wein.plus
PEP David Peppercorn Wine Journalist and Author, Englishman
RP Robert Parker Most influential Wine Author – Founder of The Wine Advocate based in Maryland, USA
SED Stefan Sedlmeyr Partner of Munich Wine Company, Sommelier – Scoring Range: 10 – 20 / 20
TA Tim Atkin M.W. (Master of Wine), Britisch Wine Jouranlist
TAN Tanzer Australian Wine Jouranlist
TC Tom Cannavan Publisher of wine-pages.com and Scotland’s most prominent Wine Expert
VD Vintage Direct Australian Wine Database and Dealer
WE Wine Enthusiast New Yorker Wine- & Livestyle-platform
WEF Dr. Wolfgang E. Frank Owner of the Winery W. E. Frank Wines
WS Wine Spectator Influential New York Wine Magazine
WSM Wine & Spirits Magazine Wine Magazine, numerous authors, USA, USA
WT Achim Becker aka the Wineterminator, competent degustator for Old Wines
XGl.GR Gambero Rosso The magazine of Italian Wines Vini d’Italia

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