Wein-Bewertungssysteme von Parker bis Robinson


Robert Parker – RP

from to judgement
RP96 RP100 extraordinary
RP90 RP95 outstanding
RP80 RP89 above average to very good
RP70 RP79 average
RP60 RP69 below average
RP50 RP59 deemed to be unacceptable

Winespectator – WS

from to judgement
WS95 WS100 classic; a great wine
WS90 WS94 outstanding; superior character and style
WS80 WS89 good to very good; wine with special qualities
WS70 WS79 average; drinkable wine, may have minor flaws
WS60 WS69 below average; drinkable but not recommended
WS50 WS59 poor; undrinkable, not recommended

Michael Broadbent – B(XX)

score judgement
***** outstanding
**** very good
*** good
** moderately good
* not very good but not bad
no stars poor

Gambero Rosso – XGL.GR

score judgement
3 Glases premium wine
2 Glases very good wine
1 Glas good wine
0 Glases correct wine

John Platter – JP

score judgement
***** Cape classic
**** excellent
*** characterful and appealing
** pleasant drinking
* plain and simple

Clive Coates – CC

score judgement
CC20 Legends
CC19 very fine indeed
CC18 fine plus
CC17 very good indeed
CC16 very good
CC15 good
CC14 quite good
CC13 not bad

Jancis Robinson – JR

score judgement
20 Truly exceptional
19 A humdinger
18 A cut above superior
17 Superior
16 Distinguished
15 Average, a perfectly nice drink with no faults but not much excitement
14 Deadly dull
13 Borderline faulty or unbalanced
12 Faulty or unbalanced

René Gabriel – GAB

Gilt für alle 20 / 20 Bewertungssysteme

score judgement description
GAB 21 / 20 Legends Reserved for wines which are beyond the scale, like the 37 d'Yquem or the 47 Château Cheval Blanc.
GAB 20 / 20 Vintage wine of the century Every aspect is perfect. Only very few wines, and only in great vintages.
GAB 19 / 20 Top Former vintage wines of the century on their descending journey and young aspirants for the vintage wine of the century. Around 130 wines every year are rated 19/20 in Bordeaux, about half of them older than 30 years.
GAB 18 / 20 Outstanding Outstanding in blind degustations. They show strength, concentration nuances and a personal character. The price is irrelevant for the point evaluation from this level on.
GAB 17 / 20 Remarkable A very good wine with independent character but missing the touch of greatness. Around 400 every year in Bordeaux for example.
GAB 16 / 20 Very good A very good wine is fun to drink even for wine-lovers. Often the best wines from small vintages or the prestigious losers from good vintages. Very often good value for the price.
GAB 15 / 20 Good For certain wines just the word -good- comes to mind. Nothing special, but simply good.
GAB 14 / 20 Satisfactory Satisfactory wine, the lowest quality level for some praise.
GAB 13 / 20 Below average Below average for the vintage and below comparable wineries. Useful for standard cooking.
GAB 12 / 20 Unsatisfactory Not good enough to be sold by a quality label. Destined for anonymous mass-wine sales.
GAB 11 / 20 Poor Only produced by a very non ambitious wine maker.
GAB 10 / 20 Unacceptable Industrial alcohol standard.

Cellar Tracker – CT

score judgement
98 – 100 Extraordinary
94 – 97 Outstanding
90 – 93 Very good
86 – 89 Good
80 – 85 Average
70 – 79 Below average
50 – 69 Avoid

Antonio Galloni – GAL

score judgement
96 – 100 Exceptional. A profound and emotionally moving wine that exemplifies the very best attributes of its kind. These are the world’s great, iconic wines.
90 – 95 Outstanding. A wine of remarkable personality and breed that is well worth seeking out.
85 – 89 Excellent. A strong wine with true character that provides highly enjoyable drinking. This is the sweet spot for values and everyday wines that won’t break the bank.
80 – 84 Average. A wine with no flaws, but no distinction.
75 – 79 Below Average. A wine with at least one noticeable flaw.
below 75 Not worth your time.

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